Inside out 5v4 drill

Fun and competitive drill that  works on ground balls, getting open, passing, shooting.

  • The drill starts by having each team form 4 lines at the 4 corners of the restraining box.

  • One player from a team starts in the middle.

  • The coach throws the ball to the player in the crease; that player's team can not score without making 1 pass creating a 5v4 situation.

  •  If the offensive team scores, the player who scored becomes the new player in the middle.  This helps ensure that the same player is not scoring all the time as the player in the middle has to make a pass.

  • The offense is not allowed to step out of the restraining box.

  • If the defense picks up a ground ball then the player who picks up the ground ball goes into the middle as his team is now on offense.

Joseph Juter

Architect of Laxplaybook, globetrotter, and passionate strategist of the game we hold dear.

Pass Pass Shot Goalie Drill


4 man 2 ball