Side to Side Passing Shot Goalie Drill

Some of the best drills are the most simple ones. The idea is to have the ball being passed back and forth as fast possible in front of the goalie, forcing the goalie to track the ball from side to side. After a few passes are completed one of the two Attackers will shoot on the goal.

Description of Drill: 

2 attackers pass back and forth in front of the goal, 1 attacker shoots. Goalie doesn’t know exactly when shooter is going to shoot. 
You can change up the distance of where the shooters are based on the ability level of the players involved.

Skills Emphasized: 

Works on goalies cross-cage movement, positioning of GK, keeping stick up the entire time and tracking ball. 

Coaching Points of Emphasis: 

Goalie can work on quick explosive steps across cage, speed, limit amount of steps GK takes when moving to follow ball and keeping stick up and in their correct stance.

Attackers can work getting the ball in and out of their stick quickly and finishing with good accuracy.

Joseph Juter

Architect of Laxplaybook, globetrotter, and passionate strategist of the game we hold dear.

Criss Cross Passing


Full field 2v1 ground balls into a fast break